EU support to the improvement of social and health services in Žabari and Žagubica

"The European Union, through the EU PRO programme, supports local development in 99 cities and municipalities in Serbia, and I am glad to see completion of one of these projects that contributed to improved social protection services for the most vulnerable groups, especially children", said the Head of the Sector for Project Management of the Delegation of the European Union (EU), Martin Klaucke during today's visit to the social protection facility in Žabari that was completely reconstructed thanks to the support of the EU.

The works, funded by the EU with over 66,000 Euros, and municipal co-financing of more than 30,000 Euros, included the reconstruction of floors, roofs, toilets, installations, heating systems, replacement of joinery, as well as the purchase of new furniture and equipment necessary for functioning of the day care centre.

The Municipality of Žabari recognised the importance of the work of the Association of persons with disabilities "Ključ and gave them this renovated facility to use it as day care centre. It has been, thus, ensured that about 20 members of the Association have adequate conditions for daycare, social engagement and improvement of social skills, which should  contribute to their further inclusion in the community.

"We now have a building where people with disabilities may socialise, create and work. They make soaps from glycerin and candles here, and that is how they feel as equal members of the society", said the president of the Association "Ključ", Darko Radovanović.

In Žagubica, the representative of the EU Delegation visited the building of the Health Centre, in which the EU with over 86,000 Euros financed the reconstruction of the heating and ventilation system, works on lowering the ceiling and installing LED lighting.

"The project in Žagubica should contribute to better working conditions for employees of the Health Centre as well as improved health services for patients, which is very important today when we are facing a coronary virus pandemic," said the Head of the Sector for Project Management of the EU Delegation, Martin Klaucke. As he said, this is a part of the broader support that the EU provides through the EU PRO programme, which, in addition to projects aimed at improving social infrastructure, also includes economic infrastructure projects as well as those focused on improving the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises.

The Health Centre in Žagubica has 100 employees, while about 9,600 patients annually receive necessary medical care here.

Predrag Ivković, Deputy Mayor of Žagubica, while underlining good cooperation and support of the European Union has said that the EU also finances development of  geographic information system in the municipality that should contribute to creating conditions for planning development through mapping local beekeepers and cultural heritage.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13